small head of the savoy cabbage
2 russets
four little onions
ok 300 ml of the dark root beer (a Windmill can be)
5-7 thin, dry, smoked, pepperoni-like sausages (or sausages) from the wild boar
twig of the fresh rosemary
spoonful of the goose’s lard
salt, pepper, oil
a few grains of the juniper, bay leaf
We cut the cabbage into the eight figures, we brown it from both sides on oil, we remove it from the frying pan, we brown similarly the eighths of apples and halves of onion. We put side by side everything altogether in the pot, we add in the juniper, the bay leaf, a little bit of salt and the lard of the goose and we are strangling for a dozen or so minutes (till the cabbage from the side of the cabbage stump will be lightly tender) under the cover, basting with the beer. In the meantime we grill (the grill frying pan will be enough) thin, dry, smoked, pepperoni-like sausages. We lay them on the cabbage. We serve it with the fresh rosemary.
Recipe: Maja Pietruszka , photograph: Magazine Mouth
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