“Zatoka” is a project bringing art and tourism together. Fundacja Palma in co-operation with local artists, created unique objects for everyone looking for authentic and well-designed souvenirs from Gdansk, Tri-city and the Pomerania region.
The objective behind the original souvenirs at “Zatoka” was to create objects that will be functional while also telling the stories of the Pomerania region and Tri-city, Natalia Koralewska, one of the project founders, says. – In our collection, we have for example: “Gdanks Socks” by Ania Witkowska, or seashell-shaped golden vinyl with the recorded “Sounds of the Baltic Sea” by Marcin Dymiter. There is also a series of tiles ”Seaside Tiles” by Maciek Salamon and “Modernist Postcards” with some examples of local modernist architecture made in RISO technique by Michał Pecko and the portraits of famous people of Gdansk such as Jan Heweliusz, American Indian Sat-Okh or Arthur Schopenhauer interpreted by artist Ania Lubińska (Lubek).
This holidays, a new item joined the collection – “Baltic Bottle” an insulated bottle designed by illustrator Ania Tatar. On the bottle are the simple graphics depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world of the bay: Baltic cod, Chinese mitten crab, rock gunnel, moon jellyfish and blue mussels. The illustrator wanted to show how diverse and interesting is the marine life in the Baltic Sea, but she also selected the species with most distinctive shapes. – My absolute favourite is turbot. Its body is almost a perfect disc with spotted skin and its colours mimic its current environment so we can easily say that turbot is our Polish chameleon, Ania Tatar says.
The original souvenirs from “Zatoka” are not the sort of objects that just stand on a shelf and collect dust. On the other hand, they can come in handy every day. The already mentioned Baltic Bottle will be perfect not only for drinking Gdanks tap water, but also to keep your tea warm during a hike in the mountains. Eco-friendly approach is substantial for Fundacja Palma, just as good design is. The rule “think globally, support locally” is reflected in the co-operation with local authors and creating souvenirs that help its owners to embrace eco-friendly habits.
Baltic Bottle and other items are available on the website of Zatoka here: www.zatoka-store.pl