(Polski) Rewiry gościnności

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polski.
# Alicja Biała, Anda Rottenberg, Antonina Konopelska, Monika BrzywczySorry, this entry is only available in Polski.
# Błażej Żuławski, Grzegorz Ciechowski, jazz, Małgorzata Potocka, Tadeusz Rolke, ugust Agbola O’Brown, WarpechowskiSex? Art? Or Sleep? The legend of Wrocław’s cool generation reveals her recipe for eternal youth. An energetic blonde woman in dark sunglasses opens the doors of a hotels’ apartment. Black jacket, energetic moves. Is she really 78? This is hard to believe. From the first minutes of our encounter, we are truly fascinated by her
# akt, Andrzej Lachowicz, Chwałczyk, CSW, Ludwiński, Natalia LL, sztuka, Sztuka konsumpcyjna, WrocławIn the current issue of the USTA Magazine you can read an interview with Andrzej Bargiel, the first man to ski down the Broad Peak in Karakorum. Few years ago he left everyone behind in the prestigious Elbus Race in extreme class. Last summer he established a new record in the fastest conquest of the
# Andrzej Bargiel