They call it Flammkuchen or tartée flambée, depending on which side of the age-old German-French conflict, we choose to be. In either language means the same thing: baked on fire. More specifically, it’s a thin bread tart, baked in a stone oven, mandatory with créme fraiche.
Traditionally, the dish was made only by rural families, mainly to check the temperature of the oven before baking bread. In Flambéeria there is only one traditional item on the menu: flammkkuchen with créme fraîche, bacon and onions. The rest of the short card are variations on flambée. On scones you can find, among other things, shrimp, Spanish chorizo, zucchini, goat cheese, and even lavender flower. However, all these additions would be for nothing if there was no true, stone, alder and oak wood burning stove. Fortunately, in Flambéeria you don’t have to look for it long, because it is the center of the interior, which is bright and strict, dominated by wood and bricks. However, due to the whole concept it is original enough, so we can turn a blind eye. Oh and by the way congratulation on courage to create a culinary novelty, in a capital, which likes general trends.
Text: Dorota Ziółkowska, photos: Flambeeria
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