1/2 head of cabbage
4 leaves of kale
2 carrots
3 celery stalks
1 celery bulb
2 potatoes
4 boletus dried and soaked in cold water
3 cloves of garlic
1 white onion
few sprigs of thyme
bunch of dill
a glass of dry white wine
5-6 tablespoons white wine vinegar
rapeseed oil
100g sweet cream 30% fat
salt and pepper
- Prepare all the ingredients in order to be able to cook efficiently. Wash the vegetables, peel carrots. Cut out the cabbage stump and chop the rest finely. A sharp knife will be useful here, perhaps even a grater. Cut carrots into stripes, celery into slices. Tear kale in bite-sized pieces, getting rid of the thick nerve running through the center of the leaf. Chop onion and garlic finely. Peel root celery and potato and cut into regular dices, so they will be cooked at the same time. Drain off mushrooms and chop into cubes, keep the water – you’ll use it to cook them.
- Put two pots on the heat – pour a lot of water into one of them, bring to a boil and add salt, then blanch in it cabbage and kale. Quench them in cold water and then drain them off. Throw celery with potatoes in the second pot and pour enough water to cover the vegetables. Cook until soft, then drain off, blender and mix it with the cream and 20g of butter into a smooth puree. If necessary, season with salt.
- Warm up 2 tablespoons of oil and 20g of butter in a large saucepan. Add onion. Do not stir too often – onion should be caramelized a little. After 2 minutes, throw garlic and carrots. Season them with a pinch of salt. After another 2 minutes throw celery and mushrooms. Another 2 minutes later throw white cabbage, pour the liquid remaining after soaking the mushrooms, vinegar and wine. Add thyme. After evaporation of the majority of the liquid cover with a lid and cook until cabbage is soft, but without overdoing it – you don’t want to get a the consistency of a slush, but crispy and appetizing snack.
- At the end of cooking, add the kale, 70g cold butter cut into pieces and freshly chopped dill. Adjust the seasoning. Serve with celery puree.
Recipe: Magdalena Święciaszek, photo: USTA Magazine