- 1500 g ripe tomatoes
- 150 g olive oil
- Salt to taste
Blench tomatoes for 10 seconds in boiling water, cool it down in ice water and peel them. Cut into quarters and cut out the cores, then sieve the cores with seeds so you get just the juice. Mix cleaned tomatoes in a blender until smooth and season to taste with salt. Leave the juice on the side, you will use it later to make a dressing.
Jalapeno cream:
- 3 jalapeno peppers
- can of coconut milk
- juice of a half lime
- Salt to taste
Preheat a frying pan without fat, fry peppers on each side until they get dark spots. Clean the seeds and stalks. Blend until smooth with the rest of the ingredients.
Grilled onions:
- 1 bunch spring onions
- 2 tablespoons wine vinegar
- 2 tablespoons light soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons oil for frying
Cut off most of the green stems and cut the onions in half lengthwise. Mix them with the rest of the ingredients and marinate for 5-10 minutes. Preheat the frying pan until almost smoking and throw pickled onions. Grill both sides until you get dark, almost charred spots. Put it aside.
Dressing “pico de gallo”:
- 70 g tomato juice
- 50 g very finely chopped shallots
- 20 g olive oil
- tablespoon chopped coriander
- Salt to taste
Mix together all ingredients.
- 1 pineapple, peeled and cut into 1cm cubes
- 2 tablespoons oil for frying
- 1 avocado
- juice of half a lime
- Salt to taste
Fry the pineapple in very hot oil for about 3-5 minutes. Peel avocado and cut into slices, sprinkle with lime juice and lightly season with salt. Pour the gazpacho and jalapeno cream in a ratio of 3:1 into big bowls. Put avocado, pineapple and roasted onions on top and gently pour the dressing.
Recipe: Michał Gniłka, photo: USTA Magazine